What to do with a newly hatched duck


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
A duck hatched yesterday night. We didn't expect it to come out though because we missed about one week straight of turning it. So we didn't prepare a cage or anything, this is also our first time hatching ducks so I have no idea what to do. The duck hatched after 36 days days does this determine the breed? ( i think it may be a mascovy duck but we are unsure because we got it from a farm)The temp in the incubator is the same for chickens. And has been in there for about 24hours already. Please help, I will try to provide more info on it.
I found the tips and suggestions, you basically treat them like chickens just different food.(interesting)thanks for the help, links, and suggestions. The duck is playing with other chicks. At first the chicks kept pecking at the ducks webbed feet and legs because it was different, but now the duck is pecking at the chickens beak and feet. I was also wondering how another duck came out, because we stopped turning the duck eggs one week before instead of three days before. MIRACLE or not??

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