What to do with broody hen


10 Years
May 7, 2009
Brooksville, FL
My blue rock has gone broody. If I want her to hatch the eggs, do I need to do anything? Should I move her? And how long should I expect it to take?
All my girls are going broody or trying right now, it's just that time of year. Depends on where you have them. I had three all nesting on top of their nest area. I took out all the bedding, put any eggs in my incubator (kept one broody in a separate cage with eggs under her because my kids love to see them hatch naturally), then I put a whole bunch of stuff on top of the nest area, and in a couple of nest boxes - I used waterers, feeder, closed boxes. It completely confused them. Sounds weird but to my surprise it worked. I have heard of putting them in a wire cage with just a roost and food plus water. I also found this cold water method on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ph7TDoOePs
this helps

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