What to expect from bantams?

Hi, I noticed you are in connetticut,...I'm worried about them in the Texas heat and humidity? Do you think they would be good here?
Turkens. If you like silkies and think the show girls are cute, they should do very well in Heat & Humidity. A little flock of show girls would be a show stopper, I would think. Try to stay clear of white though, or get a few extra.

I am just north of Houston and Turkins do well here. So do NHR and Rocks. I have Sicilian Buttercups and they actually do the best, think nothing of H & H. They are the only ones out foraging when its 100 degrees with high humidity. I never worry about them. Pretty, though a small bird not a bantam. Neighbor has OEG's and they do fine.

Rosecombs are supposed to do well with H & H. White birds do not handle the H & H here, they suffer and I have lost more than survived. Plan on setting out basins of water under a tree for them to stand in in the summer. When it hits 90 degrees I let them out of their run and they head to the coolest spots in the back yard. 1st year is the hardest, after that they adjust pretty good.

I would love to have cochins, but I am not brave enough to try them. Don't think they would make it in the humidity. Once it sets in its here for months with no let down. Most people don't understand that, that haven't lived in it. 24/7 month after month. I have Ameraucana's that still have not come out of their molt, I'm not sure they will this year (3rd). It's been a very H & H year.
Ideal hatchery in Texas sells Buff Brahma Bantams

I know that the large brahmas are supposed to be gentle roos. I have a dark brahma bantam pullet and she's gentle, but I don't know about the roos.

Some banty roos are aggressive- carefully research your breeds if you choose to have a roo.
Bantams make such good pets....my flock consists of cochins, sultans, d'uccles, frizzle cochins and silkies (I like the feather footed look)
They all do amazingly well together. I thought at first maybe my mille fluer d'uccle would be picked on because she is EXTRA small, but not at all.
Funny, I read one of the previous posts which said her bantams were quite good flyers....mine never fly at all.
You'll absolutely LOVE them!

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