What to expect when/after treating with corid?


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
My littles are now 2 weeks and just finished a 5 day treatment with corid at 1.5 tsp per gallon.
2 seem no different from before during or after treatment.
1, my egyptian fayoumis, has tail feathers, but are tucked down, seems much more in need of heat than the others. She will run around for an hour when I put them in the yard and go crazy and then snoozes like the rest as soon as they are done. But she just seems not as active as them. When she is, she's a little busy body, but when she's off, she's off. She seems to have the on or off switch only.

After corid, I gave them water with the enzyme packet from TSC and giving them yogurt (they love yogurt, the lavender orpington saw the yogurt container come out and hoped up on the rail at the door to wait!).

But my little EF I'm still worried about. She just pooped after being in a pen in the yard for the afternoon (86 here today) with both sun and shade. It doesn't have blood strings in it, just looks like a bit of pink in the wet part (it wasn't a little solid poop like they've been having the last day, it was liquid with soft, but not all liquid). I let them run around for a bit before putting them back in the brooder on the patio and while the other 2 ran around, she sat in the sun and snoozed and then just snoozed curled up in my hand. She seems to still need more heat than the other two and felt cooler than the others.

So I'm worried about her still and not sure what to expect after 5 days of corid treatment.
Are you doing the liquid or powder Corid?

I'd go to seven days, mixing fresh at least once every 24 hours.

It's possible she's just passing "coral urates" if they are light pink "fleshy" pieces of tissue... and not the blood you've seen.

I'd try giving her a little raw yolk for a boost of nutrition. :)

Also, have you checked her over for lice and mites? Those can take a chicken down quick.

I was doing powder. I still don't think it was cocci, but she died this morning.

I have no idea what is going on with my chicks. This is now 3 of 5 in the last week. Told DH after burring the latest this morning that I no longer have favorites as they keep dying :(
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I am very sorry for your loss. :(

Is there any way they could be getting into something? Could their feed be rancid?

Are any other chickens exhibiting any strange symptoms?


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