what to feed chickens when breeding


13 Years
May 3, 2010
Elgin, TX
What is a good feed for lots of healthy hatched chicks. Do ya'll have a good breeding feed or is it good to just go with a layer feed and ad some supplements?
Any proper nutrition will do. Layer mixed in with oyster Shells makes for a pretty good diet. I also advise adding electrolytes but that's just me.
I use a breeder mix that I mix myself but in the past I have used,
Buckeye18% Layer-Breeder and Kent High Flyer Breeder.
I do not feed a layer feed the rooster does not need the extra calcium.

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When a breeder pen is selected by me for an upcoming hatch before collecting eggs I sure do feed a special diet. for some who just want egg that will hatch go ahead and just feed whatever, but to improve hatch rates and embyro viability and insure that the chicks thrive feed a special diet.

I use a custom mix I mix myself and it's worth it, before I just fed layer and it didn't cut the mustard, until I changed, now I can see a huge difference in my birds.
Can you tell me some things in this mix? I really want to have optimal hatches with the healthiest chicks posible.
Sure............ but just because your from another town named Elgin LOL.

I start with fresh Purina Game bird Breeder in a 30% protein, it has everything you could want for good breeding health. them I mix in a few pounds of hulled wheat seed, the wheat germ pod is great for rooster fertility. then when I mix the daily ration I top dress the feed pan with a small handful of calf manna, that is a livestock nutritional supplement with vitamins and minerals that normal even good quality feeds don't have and in larger amounts, then I pour on about a capfull of red cell which is a blood transfer system booster, mix well and there you have it. They love the taste and eat it up, their vitality is better, they lay better and produce better quality eggs that hatch better and are more viable and produce a healthier chick capable of thriving without any of the problems associated with hatching just willy nilly with regular feed.

I am a SQ breeder of Cornish LF so proper nutrition in all phases of development is a must and should always be a top priority when considering hatching healthy chicks.

So, I have seen a few differnt game bird breeding feeds, not not chicken ones so far. Is game bird feed just as good? 30% protein seems a little high for chickens, is it (or maybe it is better, I have no idea)?
He is diluting some of the protein by adding the hulled wheat.

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True that he 30% is cut by the additives to maybe 25 % but the 30% won't harm them a bit, it's designed for them. But you asked so I gave you my formula, which produces some exceptional chicks. but you can can still go ahead and feed the layer if that's where your headed with that.
Yes I do have a good breeding feed for my birds. Forage. I have never fed 4 of my six chickens (2 were fed while being quarantined) (and all will be fed over winter). My chickens go outside (fenceless) and forage for a couple hours, and then they explore, court, etc. As much as we can regulate feed, the birds no better than we how much of what they need and what to find it in. But, this is only effective in my situation, for all we know your situation requires feed. In case your curious, heres the four things my hens find to eat:

Soft greens like dandelion, grass, cattails, ground ivy and clover.

Hard greens and grains. Spruce buds, chaff, straw grass, goldenrod etc.

Protein meats like worms, bugs, and sometimes even voles.

-Odds and Ends
Little tidbits my birds find here and there, like finding food in the compost, or 'harvesting' produce etc.

Hope this helps.

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