what to put in aviary?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 9, 2013
Manheim, PA
What type of things is best to put into an aviary to make a pheasant feel at home? We live in the woods and nothing grows here; so It can't be plant based. I thought about cutting some live limbs with leaves to use as cover.
I'm able to grow a few plants in each pen, but if you can't I would suggest putting some branches in. A few weeks ago our neighbor trimed some cedar, which isn't native here, in the pens and the birds loved it. I would suggest a short needled evergreen.

Here are an example of the silver pen.
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Can do with the short needle evergreen!! we have a bunch that need elevated! what types of things do you provide your birds to hide under in the event of bad weather? I currently have half of a plastic dog house in each pen.
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I've got a dog house like house in each pen. They are raised so they can hang out under them, and I feed them there, might try to get a picture. They also go in them. Have some peices of ply-wood leaning around. What types of pheasants do you have? I've got Silver's, Red Goldens and Lady Amhersts. Generally these breeds are very hardy.

Here are some pics of the houses and the cedar after a few weeks.

^this is a good view of the Red Golden pen, I was trying to get a picture of the pheasant.

Also, the pens are about 2'x3'
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You have a GORGEOUS red gold! Getting a pair of red golds and temmincks. I want to make sure I have everything right before they get here; don't want to be under-prepared.
Good idea. Another person I know has a ton of pheasants and his pens have a coverd area with perches on one end of the pen. 3 walls and a roof. I have pictures somewhere, but can't find them.

Found them, they are far from the best pictures, but it might give you an idea.

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