what traits are a show quality silkie?


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Corona/Mira Loma CA
i actually know nothing about silkies and is a new silkie owner and completely fell in love with them. i was just wondering out of pure curiousity what traits make a show quality silkie?
personality i think my babies are cute no matter what quality they are...
but i see all these silikies on BYC and i think they are all cute...
so what exactly are the show quality traits?
please inform a noobie silkie owner
the best way is to look at the standard of perfection, it is a book that has all the qualities judges look for. but here is a partial list of things too look for when shopping. dark small mulberry colored comb. five well spaced toes. good crest, level tight wings, feet feathered to second toe, vaulted skulls tend to have bigger crests. we just started showing in apa show so I am sure someone else can expand on this list. this is one of our roos
5 toes per foot;
slate to black skin
turquoise earlobes
mulberry to black walnut comb--smooth surface and no spikes preferred
"moderate" crest; unfortunately, there is no specified definition of moderate
well-feathered feet
wings held horizontally
as much silkie feathering in the primaries and tail feathers as possible
black eyes (dark brown okay)
nice full beard or complete lack of beard, not in between
I was wondering about this question, too. One of my partridge silkies, Big Lola, seems to be a lot bigger and fluffier than the others and she's only 4 months old. I wonder if size is a plus or a minus or neutral in the show world?
I know this is an old thread, but I'll show you the size of my silkie rooster.

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