What type of bedding should I use?

I use hay in my brooders and coops, because I have quite a few of them (3 coops and 4 brooders) and the hay is cheap. I'd spend a fortune if I had to buy shavings! But, when I had just one brooder and one coop, I used pine shavings. Others use sand or wood pellets, its more a matter of personal preference.

Good luck!

Thank you. I don't think I'll use hay though, because I'm worried that they'll lay eggs in the actual coop instead of the nesting box. (I'm deffently going to use hay/straw in the nesting box.)
I read that you shouldn't use hay as bedding because when it gets moist it molds and can cause respiratory problems for the birds and that straw should be used. Just passing on what I read.
Mold is a possibility, but my coop stays dry and I clean out the soiled stuff often, so I've never had a problem.

As for the cost, I see ads on Craigslist for as little $2.50 a square bale! When I lived in VA, it cost more than a bale of pine shavings from TSC, so I just used those. We have a 14 acre field, which we keep cut, so I use hay ;)
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Mold is a possibility, but my coop stays dry and I clean out the soiled stuff often, so I've never had a problem.

As for the cost, I see ads on Craigslist for as little $2.50 a square bale! When I lived in VA, it cost more than a bale of pine shavings from TSC, so I just used those. We have a 14 acre field, which we keep cut, so I use hay ;)

I feel like I may get a little lazy with cleaning the coop, so I am just going to stay away from hay so that never happens.
That is good to know, but what is really the difference between hay and straw.

Do you really want to know the difference or rhetorical? Straw isn't typically meant as a feed. Straw is great for utility purposes but feed grade hay for livestock you would want a blend of bermuda hay or something of the likes.

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