What type of cochin is this? :)


5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Southwestern Utah
I know this is a cochin...but as to what kind, I'm lost. Does anyone know what it could be? It was the most fluffy of all the other Cochins in the bantam bin at IFA.




It's only got super tiny wing feathers coming in, like I can barely see them. But they look white or white-ish ...I was just confused at the grayish dusting and spot it has. It also has 2-3 tiny, tiny black dots around its eyes and beak.

I was also wondering if it's fluffiness would make it look different too. It was by far the fluffiest of all the other Cochins in the bin. :fl it would be awesome if it was a frizzle!!!
So the chick in question has white wing feathers..but coming in over top of those it's getting these grayish blue feathers. Could this cochin be a splash? Or possibly completely blue once it moults, or could it still be white after it moults? Ahhh! I :idunno



I have a chick about that size that we bought at the feed store the day before Easter. The chick was dyed pink, so I'm guessing it was a yellow chick in the beginning:) It too has white feathers with color mixed in and fuzzy little feet with tiny little white feathers coming in now. I am new to chickens so I haven't a clue what breed or sex it is, but it looks a lot like yours:)

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