What type of comb is on my EE?

That she is! I have a feeling she's going take her sweet time about getting to laying eggs ... but I hope so :) She was my first chicken ever, along with her hatch mate who I had to rehome unfortunately for being a rooster. She does have a really small comb though, she's about 5 weeks older than my other ones, and her comb hasn't grown at all since she was about 8 weeks.

I'll definitely post back! I'm so excited to see what everyone lays!

Here's a full body picture :]
Beautiful chicken!!

my two EEs hatched in May look so similar. I don't have good recent pictures. Except their beards are lighter. I'm counting on eggs from them around Halloween....based on the time it took their mom to come into lay.

Thanks everyone :)

I was thinking it wasn't a typical pea comb if one at all so ... perhaps there's a shot at a colored egg after all!

Thank you though, she does know she's beautiful!

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