What type of coop is best for deep litter method?


5 Years
Feb 18, 2014
Penn Valley, Ca
Hello all!

I am new to BYC and chickens in general. I apologize if this has already been discussed! But my husband and I want to build a coop for our six new chicks, and I'm very interested in doing the deep litter method.

My questions are...what type of coop does this work for? how big does it need to be for 6 chickens? 12 chickens? and does the deep litter go in the coop itself or an attached run?

Thank you SO much for your help!
What is your climate like?

I can't use the DLM here since my coops are very wet all winter from fog and rain. I use sand (wear mask when sifting) and that works for me.

Don't put pine shavings where they will get wet.

Rule of thumb for space requirements is as follows: 4 square feet per chicken inside coop PLUS 10 square feet per chicken in the run. More is better!!!

If they will be living inside all winter due to snow they likely need more space than that.
I live in Northern California. I get relatively no snow, and at the moment, no rain. :( I have some space for them to free range, and I have a 10x20 fenced area where I will put the coop and run.

Okay, so no DLM in the run, just the coop! Does anyone have good suggestions for building a coop that works well?

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