What type of quail?


12 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Hi everyone! In the somewhat near future, I am going to be getting some new birds. They'll be outside in a pen/hutch/coop. Does anyone have any recommendations for a cold-hardy, egg-producing quail? I'm thinking either bobwhite or coturnix. Or should I go with pheasants or something else? Not chickens though, I'm looking into somewhat smaller birds. Thanks! :rolleyes:
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I don't know much about pheasants, but for a first timer on quail, I would suggest Coturnix Quail. They are easy to raise, quiet type quail, and more easily handled, compared to Bobwhites who are skittish, do not tolerate being touched and hard to deal with for the first timer.

As far as being good layers, Coturnix and Bobs lay equally well. Both are cold hardy birds.
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I say go with jumbo brown or The bigger A&M Coturnix .If your new to this they really are still a piece of cake !! They Hatch in 17/18 days; start to lay in 6weeks;ready to to process in 7 weeks.They say they will lay 277 or so eggs a year .I never counted but having them both (i do not doubt it +) and the eggs are big compared to even the larger varieties of Bobwhites.These bird are calm and easy to handle and if one were to jump out cage there easy to catch and won't fly far. Sounds like you will eat eggs We do.Take this advice get a pair of those Quail egg opening scissors !10.bucks or so You will thank me later.If your going to boil, about 7 min then put in Vinegar (we use white/clear )straight out of bottle Let soak 5/6 hours and then peel (makes it easy)...cva34
I'd never heard of egg opening scissors! I looked them up and found all sorts of info on why these are useful. As for letting them soak in vinegar, does this effect the taste of the eggs? My family and I had hard cooked quail eggs for the first time the other day (from a friend) and they were delicious! (Okay, they tasted just like really good chicken eggs. LOL)
I'd never heard of egg opening scissors! I looked them up and found all sorts of info on why these are useful. As for letting them soak in vinegar, does this effect the taste of the eggs? My family and I had hard cooked quail eggs for the first time the other day (from a friend) and they were delicious! (Okay, they tasted just like really good chicken eggs. LOL)
Soaking in vinegar ,does it change taste?.If so not much (but I been doing it that way so long I may not notice).Try and you tell me.Those scissors are for opening raw eggs.There is a video on utube someplace I saw it a while back on egg opening scissors....cva34
I usually just add a little bit of vinegar to the water when boiling the eggs. Doesn't affect the taste to me and lots easier to peel. You can also pickle the eggs. I don't care for pickled eggs myself but my husband and son love them. I sometimes add jalapenos to make spicy pickled eggs.
Great advice! I've never had a pickled egg, but have read that pickled quail eggs are really liked by some. Definitely something to try! And, it just can't hurt to put a little vinegar in the boiling water. I'll try it once and see what happens. Thanks!
I'm not a fan of boiled eggs, but I love pickled quail eggs! The perfect amount of egg white and yolk in every bite. Here is video I did earlier this year on how I pickle my quail eggs:

(these are coturnix eggs - they would be my choice for egg producers too)
Soaking in vinegar ,does it change taste?.If so not much (but I been doing it that way so long I may not notice).Try and you tell me.Those scissors are for opening raw eggs.There is a video on utube someplace I saw it a while back on egg opening scissors....cva34
jbobs, I watched the video all the way through!
Very helpful and informative. Also, quite cool. I sense a science experiment in my daughter's future.

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