What type of table scraps are best for chickens?


8 Years
May 27, 2011
It seems a lot of people feed their chickens table scraps to prevent waste and maybe even save a little money on feed but they are always cautioned to make sure that the bulk of the chickens food is a properly balanced feed mix.
That got me to thinking. Is there a type of human food that closely matches chicken feed in nutrition? One where you don't have to worry about overfeeding it to them or at the very least aren't as bad for them as nutritionally deficient filler foods?
What types of table scraps/human food are best for chickens?
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I think variety and feeding wholsome foods is important. Anytime that you can include a meat protein, that's a bonus, too. Try to avoid too many salty, processed foods. Dairy foods are really good, cooked oatmeal, soups, yogurt, kefir.
I feed a lot of melons and any other produce trimmings depending on what is in season. Mustard and turnip greens, cooked beans and peas are really good. I do fridge clean out frequently and the chickens get pretty much all the leftover soups, casseroles and meat scraps. But, I don't have anything processed in my house unless I canned or cooked it myself. So anything that my birds eat is basically whole food.
By providing lots of variety and not eating the same thing every single day, you can also help avoid certain nutritional deficiencies which could show up if your feed happens to be lacking. The hard part, though, is making sure they get plenty of healthy protein and not too much fat or salt.
Mostly I just don't feed onions, peppers, garlic type foods. Most anything else goes. I don't feed them over seasoned things either and the protein I give them tends to be from cows- like whey or cheese.
My hens will eat almost anything, but foods that I don't feed them:

1. No chicken. I draw the line there, although they may have had a scrap or two, but nothing noteworthy. They love turkey, fish & fish guts, pork, beef, seafood, etc.

2. No rotten or spoiled food.

3. No citrus.

4. No avocado. Bad for household birds I know, but usually there isn't any left over.

5. Horse hay or grass hay...too dry, green grass is better and less fibrous. This got us into trouble with a impacted crop that my wife and I performed surgery on our favorite hen, Dominique survived and she is 2 years old and still boss hen.

6. No rodents. I have heard of others feeding rats and mice to their chickens, but I can't...those go in the trash

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