What veggies can i plant now in New England?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
I believe i can plant peas... but what else? Thanks!
You can plant radishes, beets, turnips and most greens--lettuce, swiss chard, spinach, etc. I'm getting anxious to plant too, but our snow hasn't all melted yet so it will be a few days before I can get started.
Depending on where you are in New England, there are a variety of veggies you can plant. Here is a site for Zone 5 early plantings. http://www.squidoo.com/Schedule-for-Spring-Vegetable-Gardens
done peas this time of year, but haven't tried any of the others on the list this early. I believe you can also plant asparagus crowns this time of year too. You have to wait a year before you can harvest them, but it is so worth it, as they are a perennial and will come back every year thereafter. Very yummy too. Nothing better than fresh garden asparagus!
hi Redhen!!

plant everything!!!

I planted green beans, basil,lettuce,broccoli,carrots,squash and peppers!!!

I've never planted corn tho?
I have radishes, carrots, kale, spinach, collards, arugula, mizuna, lettuces, other greens seeded now. Peppers and tomatoes started inside. Asparagus started as well, just waiting for soil to warm a bit more before I plant the crowns. Pretty much any cool weather crop can go in now.
Being meaning to PM you. From what I learned on the rose growers website, late April/early May would be the best time to plant roses.

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