What was I thinking?????


15 Years
May 22, 2009
San Francisco, CA
I have a new 8 week old pullet. Without thinking I let her have corn and broccoli. Today she has blood in her poop. I've also given her yogurt. She's pooped 3 more times since this morning's bloody poop and it looks perfectly normal. Also, it was normal last night. Could this be from my thoughtless diet change?

She's eating and drinking as usual and her energy level is the same. No changes in either of those.

No, neither are bad, but I've only had her since Thursday and she's only ever been on chick starter. I thought maybe such a jolt to her system might cause this....or HOPING it will cause this. The alternatives aren't so pleasant.
Hate to say it, but I think it's coccidiosis. Taking the new girl to the vet today and bringing fecal samples from both hens. So far they both are eating, drinking, acting their normal selves. (Although not liking being separated.) Hope this is treatable. Thanks.
It may not be as bad as you think - there was a similar thread a while back. Apparently, some green veggies make chicken poo turn red. Try searching for "red poo" or "broccoli".

Hope everything turns out okay!

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