what will i get???


13 Years
May 21, 2009
Valparaiso, IN
I am thinking of putting my India blue pied hen in with a purple white eye male. I know the hen chicks would be purple and the males indi blue but is there a chance of pied in there as well?
No, you do not get any pied chicks from this cross. Half of the chicks will be split to white and the other half will be split to white. since the male carrys one copy of white eye gene, 50% of the chicks will inherit that gene. The male, in this case must be split to white to produce pied chicks, I think.. Only 50 % of split to white chicks and 50% of split to pied chicks get one copy of w/e gene- not all. You are correct that some purple female chicks will be produced.

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