What will these Cross be like!


9 Years
Mar 29, 2010
Western IDAHO
Hi I had some one ask me to incubate some of their eggs for them. Wanted to know if I could tell them what they would get from these crosses!

They have: A Black Copper Maran Rooster
Cuckoo Maran Hens that lay a nice Very Dark Egg.
Rhode Island Red Hens
Ameraucana Hens – Pastel Blue eggs.

From what I have heard they should get “Olive Eggers” from the Ameraucana X Black Copper Maran.

Anyone know what the other crosses might be like!
The BCM rooster x Cuckoo marans hens will be mixed-color marans.

The BCMxRIR will be mutts.

The BCMxAmeraucanas are still mutts, but the coined term for them is OliveEggers.

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