What will these eggs look like??


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
What kind of egg color do you think you'll get from Easter egger and black copper marans?
They will either be green or brown, likely fairly dark green or dark brown. But it depends on the genetics of the two chickens involved. What color egg does the hen lay?
First off, I like your avatar picture. Do you supply the bullets? Arrows? Slingshot Ammo?
Which is the rooster?
I breed a Golden Laced Wyandotte rooster, with an EE hen and she laid light blue eggs (she's five and doesn't lay much anymore). I was told they should be olive.
Depends on the EE. I know folks breed Ameraucanas and Black Copper Marans to get olive eggers, but there's a chance your chicks will inherit different genetics from the mutt EE parent and produce brown eggs instead. Long story short--you won't know until you try, but gosh will it be fun finding out!
Thanks for the replys everyone. I'm not sure what the rooster or hens are. A local is selling some chicks that are a mix breed I believe we might get a few and see what happens. Thanks again
I'd say go for them--mutts are the best and chicks that don't have to go through the ordeals of shipping are much better off.

If I had a chance to get EE/BCM mixes from a local source, I'd go for it.
Ok we bought 6 chicks and got about a dozen and a half hatching eggs to put in our incu.

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