What would be the best breed to get JUST for broodieness?


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
I know silkies and OEGB. I have cochins, and I love them. I have one momma that has went broody and now has nine chicks. My other two dont seem that interested.

I also have partridge rocks, which i read were one of the most broody breeds. They also dont seem interested. I really like the standards for mommas, as they can cover more eggs. But will they ever be consistently broody, like I hear about the silkies?

I would like something that can go from raising chicks, after 7 weeks or so, and go right back to sitting. Is it possible?
I don't know if there is one that will leave chicks and go right back to setting, but I have a standard OEG hen that had chicks in September, then again in December, and now has another brood going. She has been sitting for about 6 weeks now, since I put some 'oddball' eggs under her. Plus my little Nugget was donating an egg daily to her nest as well.
She has 2 chicks now that are 2-3 days old, and 2 eggs under her. She doesn't seem interested in leaving the 2 eggs, so I'm planning on taking the babies and giving her some more eggs
She doesn't look thin or weak, she is just determined. I guess 2 little banty babies just isn't enough for her!
So if you are wanting a large breed bird that will set eggs year-round, get some OEG hens. There are different sizes, mine is about the same size as a RIR hen
My very best broodies have been light Brahmas, and standard dark Cornish. (NOT Cornish X) They go broody from spring through fall, and through this last winter I had 3 who kept trying to brood. I also have Australorps, they brood quite a bit, but not as much as the C.'s and the B's. I have a buff Orpington who's about 6 years old, never went broody once, and I had a bunch of other Orps and they didn't brood either. I think that might depend on the line you get.
Well=I have never seen more broody hens then that of Cochin Bantams.........
I have two that have been sitting on invisible eggs forever it seems--
They get up to eat, etc but then its strictly back to their invisible eggs....and I cant seem to break them--
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My standard Cornish are so broody I have to keep moving the hens to new pens every few weeks to keep them up and moving/laying. I really like the breed, but my hens are making me crazy.

They are tenacious sitters, and mine have been very good mothers.

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