What would I get from this cross?

I don't know about #1 but you should try it!

#2--- I think white Masks other colors which would result in a white, hard feathered, bearded, bird with a walnut comb and darker skin. I'm no expert though!
No idea about the sebright.

Silkie white is recessive, so the offspring would not be white. Likewise, the feathers would not be silkie.

Type is most likely to be d'uccleish (is that a word, lol? I know this from experience.

Personality should be very, very nice.

Comb type will depend on whether the silkie's comb genes are hetero- or homozygous.

Yes, the offspring should have beards and foot feathers. Most will have 5 toes and dark skin. Some will have small crests.

Colour will depend on the genes hidden by the silkie's white. Could be anything, but chances of something approaching partridge are likely.
that stinks. well they would be sex linked. The roos would be gold incomplete laced and the hens silver incomplete laced. I think they would be rose combed, and might have feathered feet.
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If you google "chicken calculator" you should be able to find the link. It is not porn. It allows you to specify the variety of each parent and also alter specific genes as you choose, then it will calculate the offspring that could occur, giving percentages. Really wonderful tool.

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