What would you do in my situation?

I've changed what I will be doing!

After considering what you all have said I have decided to go with one breed.

With doing it this way, I can have 45-50-laying-hens and 5-roosters.... Which means hatching around 200-eggs a year.

What changed it for me was getting to speak with some breeders (also, seeing what you guys have written) and reading articles on best ways of doing things.

I have chosen to do "Lavender Orpingtons"... Just couldn't resist there huge fluffy tails!

I have to go but will post later!

I'm happy you made a selection and plan! But, if you can only hatch around 200 eggs per year, you don't need 45 - 50 laying hens. If you want a big flock for meat and eggs... I totally understand that number. But, when it comes to breeding, if you pair off your best 6 - 10 hens with your favorite rooster(s), you will have greater odds of producing nicer quality chicks.

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