WHat would you do in this situation? will feeding layer feed now hurt them?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
In The Middle Of Nowhere GA
So I have 15 11.5 week old pullets ( 5 brown leghorns and 10 rhode island reds) I had decided to switch them from medicated starter/grower to an unmedicated grower or grower/finisher...however, it is impossible to find something other than medicated starter/grower and layer feed in my area. so my dad went to the feed store and the guy talked him into the layer feed saying that it wont hurt my babies. I still have half a bag of the medicated stuff...so after i use that should i just get more or should i feed the layer feed? will it hurt them?
I only feed medicated the first bag and then after that non-medicated grower. If I have a mixed flock they will get layer feed. It never hurt mine but there are people on here that will say otherwise. IMHO I don't think they need medicated feed anymore. If you can't find anything else then I would use the layer.
You're in a tough spot.

You say you still have a bag of starter left over? I'd absolutely feed that out and buy yourself more time before introducing high calcium layer feed, the non-laying adolescents just don't need and their urinary systems cannot handle well.

The "medication" in starter is usually just amprollium. Check your bag label. That is merely a blocker of cocci. It's pretty benign stuff and can be fed all the way to point of lay and beyond. Hope that helps.
I just wanted to switch because ive heard that you have to wait 2 weeks after theyve been off medicated feed to eat the eggs
Nah, as said above it's just amprolium. I've had my layers eat medicated feed before (when I had chicks in with them) and I don't toss the eggs. Haven't died yet. :)
I'd buy another bag of starter. Just give them a few more weeks to mature. I also wouldn't worry about the medicated feed and eating the eggs. Great advice from all the posters.

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