What would you do?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 14, 2009
We are planning to build our first coop this spring. I would love to have your input of the more important things to have in the coop. My counters in the people area will lift up and have a brooder underneath, they will have venting on the sides and removable holes in the top to accomidate heat lamps. We are hoping to purchase blue and buff orpingtons for this coop and I am wondering if it will be necessary to have a seperate area for mommas and chicks. For those of you who have raised orpingtons, do the chicks fare well with other orpingtons? We will only have orpingtons in this flock. Any other ideas, input or pictures would be valued. My husband already burried two barrels in the ground in the fall that can fill with ground water and we will use a pump to get the water into the chicken house and we also have electricity, other than that there is nothing set in stone.

If you could have anything in your coop what would it be? Blessings!
Where are you MommaBean? It will help if those who have the breed *and* live in your climate can respond. Orps are lovely birds, some day I would like to have a flock of them too.
I have perfectly nice hens. But they will kill each others chicks. Some mommas protect them, some can't, and some won't. I'd plan on separate areas if you want to make sure the chicks survive.

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