Whatch or bye POLL

Buy or whatch

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None of the above really. Used to buy and go see. Now we might go out back to see what is being set off nearby, but is more of an afterthought. Still kinda like to watch the really big shows from Boston or NY.
Our friends go out of state and buy the goods ones. (Good meaning....loud, colorful and big!) We have some friends out in the evening and we hang out, eat and enjoy our pyrotechnics until midnight. :cool:
Someone i know goes to SC and birngs them to NC (where these one is illegal) and has a nice big show
Ours are legal! I forgot to throw that out there. LOL We might even have a local sheriff and his family here this year too. Last year we had several cars parked a gravel road over to sit and watch them. People drive by and yell Happy 4th! It's a lot of fun! We drag two hoses out and buckets of water. Once this are lit and go off, they're moved over and hosed down. Now the clean up the next day isn't much fun! Soggy boxes don't pick up easily but oh well!

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