Whatcha Making for Supper?

My wife has made some great food during our 28.5 years together but this stew was one of the best things I have ever tasted, period. And that iron skillet cornbread only added more joy to the meal.
Bragging on my wife's cooking on BYC has proven to very beneficial as she just told me she is making homemade potato soup for me tonight. It is my Mom's recipe and she has it down pat. She also can make meatloaf just like Momma which makes me so happy. I remain truly blessed.
Bragging on my wife's cooking on BYC has proven to very beneficial as she just told me she is making homemade potato soup for me tonight. It is my Mom's recipe and she has it down pat. She also can make meatloaf just like Momma which makes me so happy. I remain truly blessed.

Sorry, but nobody cooks like Momma. :(
Sorry, but nobody cooks like Momma. :(
I chuckled because my Mom was an excellent cook. Her biscuits were wonderful topped only by her older sister's version which were the flakiest ones ever baked. One time while visiting Aunt Mary, I made the mistake of bragging on them a little too much for Mom's liking. I never heard the end of it and Mom spent the remainder of her cooking life trying to match Aunt Mary's biscuits. What I wouldn't do to have a mixed platter of both versions just one more time to scarf up.
My Mom made stew with Bisquick topping. I have never been able to equal it and have never tasted any as good. She also cooked pan fried cottontail rabbit in a brown gravy - I remain clueless as to how she did that. My MIL was also an outstanding cook of Polish and Hungarian dishes - I cook several of her meals. The Princess was an adequate cook - we survived. When I took over the cooking, she gained weight and I lost weight. She now eats more, and I cook somewhat healthier.
My Mom made stew with Bisquick topping. I have never been able to equal it and have never tasted any as good. She also cooked pan fried cottontail rabbit in a brown gravy - I remain clueless as to how she did that. My MIL was also an outstanding cook of Polish and Hungarian dishes - I cook several of her meals. The Princess was an adequate cook - we survived. When I took over the cooking, she gained weight and I lost weight. She now eats more, and I cook somewhat healthier.
My Mom would put a bit of sugar in mashed potatoes and then whip them in a mixer. They were so delicious and when paired up with her meatloaf and cornbread it was like eating manna from heaven. And as children, she would lure my sister and I out of bed with the smell of fried cornbread when she got in from work at around midnight. Eating that in a glass of cold milk is a memory that I cherish.

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