What's a good beginners incubator?

Misfit Farm

In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 14, 2007
Reno, NV
I am going to be getting some Marans chicks (BC, Blue and Splash) and in the future would like to hatch some of their eggs. I have been depending on broodies up to now but I am thinking of getting an incubator. What is a good, resonably priced incubator that would be good for a beginner? I would want to be able to hatch say 12-15 or so eggs at a time. Thanks.

I just purchased one through Incubators Warehouse for $175 it should arrive pretty soon. When I individually priced the items included in the kit the incubator and turner were $95.98 for just those two
... If you're interested take a look. I bought the Little Giant kit but there are others... here's the link http://incubatorwarehouse.com/index.php/egg-incubators/combokits/little-giant-9200-combo-kits.html

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