Whats a good home made feed for new chicks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 9, 2010
I really want to try making my own feed for my first home hatched group of chicks. Has anybody out there made some sort of chick starter at home that they have had success with? I know if a mother hen was broody and hatched the chicks herself she would show them how to find their food but mine are coming from an incubator so as a good surrogate I better be ready. I've always used commercial chick starter but I really want to be more hands on and make their food myself. Thanks everyone.
I'd also be interested, as I don't rely too much on commercial feed for my chickens. Yeah, it's easy to feed chick starter and layer crumbles, but not when it's either unavailable or ridiculously expensive like it is here! All our store carries is medicated chicken food too, and we don't feed our animals chemicals unless they are sick and it is our last resort to save them.
I am planning to try a ground up mixture of sunflower seed, rye seed, oats, and some sort of nut or maybe soybeans. I think if I grind all of that up in a small grist mill or maybe have the local feed mill grind up a large amount of it they should get what they need. The soybeans are supposed to be high in protein. oh and I'm going to give some meal worms on like a every other day basis.

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