Whats better: order chicks or order eggs then hatch?

I recently ordered eggs and incubated. When it was evident through candling that so few were possibly going to hatch I went ahead and ordered day old chicks from Healthy Chicks Hatchery. The chicks arrived about two days after I had hatched only 2 of twelve Gold Laced Wyandottes. I luckily had ordered 4 female and one male from the hatchery just in case. They had a good selection, although limited this time of year. Good luck.
Thanks everybody, My bator's been keeping a stable temperature, and Im trying dry hatching this time, eggs will be coming soon, so what was your highest ever hatch rate for ordered eggs (probably not so high...) any special tips?
Wow thats probably the highest rate for ordered eggs Ive seen so far. Hmmmmm.........that gets me wondering about using dry hatch, most people have said it works better, but I guess it just depends on how you incubate.... I might as well see what people think about it before coming to a decision
If you want to hatch chicks, I would advertise on Craigslist what you are looking for or post it here. I have ordered shipped eggs 3 times and have had poor results. Last month I bought some Lavender Orp eggs online and NONE were good. Two were weeping when I unpacked them. I also bought some Easter Egger eggs at the same time and 5 of 11 hatched, so I know it was not incubator issues.
I bought a dozen Marans eggs online earlier this year and got 2 chicks and the Marans eggs I bought locally, 8 of 12 hatched.
Buy chicks if you can or local eggs. Shipped eggs are COSTLY and in my opinion a HUGE waste of money.
I'm only on my second incubation but both were ordered eggs. First set was treated kindly by the P.O. I had 7 of 10 make it to lockdown, 5 hatched, 1 pipped and died. My current clutch was 7 days in transit. We are 7 days in with 15 of 18 developing, including one I cracked and sealed with wax. I'm not buying SQ eggs, but I figure at $2 per chick(minimum) plus shipping costs from a hatchery, I will make out better financially with eggs. My first hatch cost me $36 and this 2nd was $24. If I only get 10 out of this hatch I'm still ahead. That's how I justify it to my hubby anyways...lol. That and I can sell the extras and eat the roosters.
I have to go with angelbaby on this one. You will always spend more money on shipped eggs than buying chicks. I spent a small fortune to find this out. Some at 300.00 for ten eggs. The funny thing is, it always seems like the most expensive ones are the hardest to get to hatch. I have bought e-bay cheap eggs, and had around a 60% hatch rate. I also always had my own eggs incubating and hatch around 90%, so, I know its the shipped eggs.
I've done both... Depends on what you are trying to acheive I guess... if you are looking for egg production only... hatchery stock is probably best. Just because they cull any hens that don't produce well.... the hens may not be anywhere near the show standards, but they'll be strong egg producers... If you are looking for dual purpose breeds, hatcheries aren't the place to go, they don't care about only breeding the best meat birds that can supply steadily, just about getting enough eggs laid and hatched IMO. So they aren't truely dual purpose...

when ordering eggs from smaller breeders, do your homework!!! I'm a lot picker about who I buy from now than I used to be... most recent bad experience was with marans eggs... ordered 18, only six hatched, 3 hens and 3 roos (I'd have been happy with %50 which is more typical of my shipped hatches)... all hens are solid black and only one roo is anywhere near the proper markings for a marans. They are not laying yet, but should be soon I'm curious to see how dark the eggs are, but I'm not expecting too much at this point.

When ordering eggs I have learned that closer is better! So if they are on the west coast, they aren't for me! I don't order anything farther than an 8 hour drive. Travel does affect hatch rates.

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