Whats breed is better for backyard environments?

sunshine ducky

11 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Hi, everyone,
I am getting three hens for my backyard this spring because I have an old duck coop that isn't in use right now. I was debating whether I should get some black australorps or buff orpingtons. I need a breed that is relatively quiet, produces lots of eggs, docile, and extremely cold weather hardy. If you have any more suggestions of breeds that could live in a suburban backyard please let me know. Thank you for all your help!
Maybe standard Cochin

This is a rooster
My ISA Browns lay the most eggs . I have buff O's and barred rocks. Buffs are the sweetest fluff bottom chickens and look really good in the yard. The barred rocks have the most personality and will interact with you more. But all three are great for my Back yard as pets. Quite, friendly good girls but not the best for free range because of hawks.
I would get three different breeds and enjoy each bird.
If and when I build a new flock that is what I will do. One of each and all of the differences.
You can go on the different hatchery Webb sites and look at their lists. They have breeds listed by egg color, egg production, temperment...
Build your flock.
My ISA Browns lay the most eggs . I have buff O's and barred rocks. Buffs are the sweetest fluff bottom chickens and look really good in the yard. The barred rocks have the most personality and will interact with you more. But all three are great for my Back yard as pets. Quite, friendly good girls but not the best for free range because of hawks.
I would get three different breeds and enjoy each bird.
If and when I build a new flock that is what I will do. One of each and all of the differences.
You can go on the different hatchery Webb sites and look at their lists. They have breeds listed by egg color, egg production, temperment...
Build your flock.
I never thought about getting 3 different breeds at once, thats a good idea. But ill probably just end up getting all buff orps I just have a soft spot for those birds lol.

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