What's going on with the weather?


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Winter's been really unusually cold for us this year. I normally enjoy the cooler weather as we live in an extremely hot part of the country, but even I am wishing summer would come round sooner! SA got a few snow storms today, spread over the country with quite heavy falls on some parts. We normally get snow on some mountain ranges and in a few areas in the Western and Eastern Cape only.
Summer (November to April here) was not as hot as usual, except for a lengthy heatwave in January, followed by so much rain that some areas flooded.
How's the weather in the USA, Australia, UK etc? Any of you noticed anything different/unusual?
Record heat waves.
90% of the Greenland Icecap has melted just this summer.
Global warming, human caused climate change.
That's what's going on with the weather.
And no, Climate Change is NOT a conspiracy, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertable.
Anyone else?

Just been over to the next town (about 30 miles from us). All the little rivers and streams are overflowing. The one bordering our property overflowed (no damage). I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I wish it would stop raining for a bit now! We are completely soaked.
Weather here has been crazy too!! Wish we had the rain, record heat here in Ontario Canada, and setting records for lack of rain, right now. This past winter we set records for least amount of snow here since who knows when...

Our grass in crunchy and turning to dust.. Never have I seen this, we gor a few hrs of rain on the weekend.. The dog just stood in the rain smiling!!

I sure hope your weather goes back to what your used too!! Very Soon!
I think we got your rain. DH took this pic of a usually calm, well behaved stream yesterday. (Sorry, it's sideways. I haven't figured out how to flip them yet). Our neighbour's property got a bit flooded, not serious though. We haven't had a bad flood in 6 years when half our farm was under a river.

Thank you!
I'm not very PC savvy...
You're welcome!

I struggle with pc's too. Mac is much easier to use. There's a free application available for Mac's called 'Gimp' which works like Photoshop. The menu allows me to rotate pics very easily.

Next time you buy a computer, forget Microsoft and it's 'Start' button for turning the pc off (
) and try Apple.
California had a fairly dry winter (when we usually get our rain for the year). Not much snow in the Sierra either. Was in Yosemite last week, rivers and creeks are low, and some of the beautiful waterfalls that you usually see were dry!
California's used to hot, dry summers, so we're not having quite as bad a time with heat waves as the rest of the country. Bad fires and droughts in many parts of the US, and the predictions are that food prices will be higher due to a very poor corn crop this year. The price of chicken feed has already started climbing!

If you've got any pull with the powers that be, send your extra rain our way!

Take care!
TT: I'm using a MacBook Air. Best thing I ever bought. But I'm still figuring it out. We had an iMac before this that I also loved. It was slightly more techno phobe friendly

Wishing4Wings: I wish I could! I stopped raining now and it's nice and sunny. We went for a walk this morning and checked the river bordering our property. It came down with quite a force, judging by the path it cleared! I'm glad it wasn't as bad as the 2006 flood. A heard on the news an ambulance got washed away by a river not far from where we live. Last I heard they were still looking for the driver
Quite a few schools also closed on account of the weather.

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