What's in the moat?

Well, it seems that perhaps Bobalong has crossed the
line (again).

Say Sour...Perry....anyone here up for a fun game of
"bob-tossing"? We can throw it back and forth across
the moat...until one of us miss.

Poor Bobalot gets wet.
It would be a case of "Bob for the apple".
Not sure you want to bob for that apple - just saying once the lovelies get excited, it's quite a frenzy in the water...
Since blue's pets have been slandered so wrongly, let's let her decide the punishment!
but sour and spook, feel free to chime in!

Well, I'm definitely thinking along the lines of how Orcas like to toss their prey around for awhile before eating it, it would be fun to watch all the wiggling and squirming...
Farewell my um not exactly friends but people I have virtually talked to

As bobelot leaves the castle taking only a couple of her beloved items
Monkey pillow
Gummy worms
Portable TV
Gummy bears
Tent shaped as a duck
Harry potter books
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS I
Nintendo 3DS
Super Mario brothers

As she walks along the YELLOW road she finds herself in the middle of a chicken farm so she buys a living chicken and names it fang. So bobelot and fang walked on having a great life while the people at the kingdom sobs over the loss of there victim disappointed they could not throw her into the the moat. One day bobelot and fang reached New York and became stars on broadway the end .
Oh yes and lived happily ever after

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