What's in the moat?

Fatal attractions is a great show. Did you all see the monkey ripping the woman's face off?
Gee, so very sorry that I missed that?
It was an interesting episode. Woman has pet chimp...chimp rips her friend's face off.

There was also a woman who thought she was immune to snake venom. Turns out, she wasn't.
The first woman died. The woman who owned the chimp wasn't hurt. There was the guy who visited his pet chimp, and ANOTHER chimp attacked him and he survived...

I've decided that this is the show I'll end up on one day...probably with Gus. Hope all of you are practicing what you will say.
Oh, geez. I had to deal with a horse like that one time. Spoiled blue-eyed witch thought she could run the show; the kid who owned her was scared of her. The horse got loose in the barn one night and decided to challenge me over another horse's dinner. I really didn't want to fight with her about it, but I knew if somebody didn't, she'd be twice as bad the next time. All I had was a lead rope and a lot of attitude.
I won.

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