What's the deal with scratch grains??


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
I just bought a 25lb bag of scratch grains for the first time to give the flock once a month. I plan to only give them 1/2 cup mixed into their feeder.

What's the deal with it? I hear people complain about people giving it and other people praise it for being good for the flock.
I'm honestly confused
But what's the deal with it? I'd like an answer to my question please :(

Not sure what you're asking.

Some parents give their kids a lot of candy and cake and say that the kids like them and it does no harm.

Some parents refuse to give any candy and cake, considering sugary treats next to poison.

Some parents try to strike a balance, offering treats in moderation.

I'm in category #3. With both kids and chickens I don't withhold all treats but I moderate them and I use them as rewards for desired behavior.

I did try using scratch to cut the cost of raising some cull cockerels to butchering size but with the current price of scratch I didn't save enough money to be worth the trouble.
It's good for the chicken's digestive system. Chickens who's digestive system is blocked by an impacted crop may consume scratch grains (I know you weren't talking about your chickens having an impacted crop but if they do, let them consume olive oil.)

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