whats the most annoying response you get when people find out you have chickens?

Happened to me, too. I got everything from "why??" To "ewww chickens stink." Hardly anyone was encouraging. Just do your thing, and don't care if they like it.

Our chicken coop and run sits 5 metres from my home office where I work all day with the window open for the breeze. Not a bit of stink at all. When people talk about chicken stink I wonder what sort of conditions they have encountered chickens living in before.

All of my close extended family and friends share in my excitement about being a chicken owner now. I haven't encountered anyone who has been discouraging.
I feel that way often. Some folks find out you have a big garden and then tell me I should bring in some of that 'free food' to share! Free my patootie! I work hard to get what I have, if they want me to 'share' then they can get out here and do some of the work. I've kept kind of quiet about the chickens due to this, but one co-worker is always telling me I need to bring in some of my eggs to share. Ha! I only have 1 hen now and, until the other 3 start laying, what I'm doing is called stockpiling.
Ding Ding we have a winner Rooster Dinner ! :) That brings to mind the first socialist experiment, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jerrybo...ony-how-a-failed-commune-led-to-thanksgiving/ . We have workers and takers, even more so today. And when you ask a price for eggs, that's another story.
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We have only had our chickens since May. My husband is supportive but they are mine, I do all of the daily care and maintenance. My husband loves that my chickens make me so happy and that I truly enjoy spending time with these birds. Friends and family don't really get it, I had one friend tell me that nobody likes a crazy chicken lady:/. My mom refuses to eat the eggs because the are "dirty & gross". On the other hand there are a few family members who sincerely ask me how my chickens are doing and my brother loves to get fresh eggs. I have never been someone who does things to please other so the negative stuff doesn't bother me at all!
I wonder why people say chickens stink, I don't think so. In my coop we use pine shavings so if chickens are supposed to smell bad, I don't smell it!
I don't notice much of a smell by us, but my neighbors up the road have a strong stench. I believe it all has to do with upkeep
if you don't do it, it gets ugly.
I know if you don't clean the coop for a really longtime it will start smelling bad. That's why I always try to keep it clean.

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