What's the name of your chicken coop? "Chicken" Hilton here

Nice compilation there springd

Just need to add one of my favorites: The Fuster Cluck.
Mine is the Coopalita! It's the miniature version of the palace I had planned for the girls. Just finished it enough for them to sleep in it yesterday. Still need the roof and a few other odds and ends, but the girls are already roosting on the highest bar tonight and walked into the coop at dusk all alone. I was worried because it was only their second night in the run and yesterday I had to help the little ones up. We had to leave so I imagined all sorts of awful things. Came home and there they were, peeking out the pop door at us. (Of course, I had left the light on for them, that helped.)

I have pics on my page, but will post a more completed one tomorrow.
Ha Ha These names are awesome.

Me n my husband live in a rented converted barn called 'Harry' (there are two other barns in our row called 'Tom' and 'Dick')
We wanted to make it look good as we are putting it on a field belonging to our landlords so we decided to make it a small parody of our house and call it 'HarryII' :)
We live on a lake so we named our hens "Ladies of the Lake". One of these days I'm going to craft some type of sign to hang on the coop...one of these days.
We named ours the "Crooked Coop" because our measurements are just a bit off! LOL No one else notices, but we know what happened.
Mine's The Roost Bed and Breakfast, Established 2003. That's pretty much all my chicks do in there!!!!

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