What's the rating for a Little Giant Incubator?

I was one of those that bought the still air..went to the 1588. I now use the still air for the babies for a brooder for a while after they hatch. Getting my $$$$ worth even thought I don't use it for hatching.
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I have two LGs. One I use for a hatcher. I put computer fans in both of them and one has an egg turner. They have worked out pretty well. Out of 12 hatches, I only had one really bad hatch and it was during the early spring with shipped eggs. The eggs were all from the same person and the next hatch went great so in retrospect I think it was the shipped eggs instead of the bator. They must of had a rough trip. The LGs are touchy with the temp settings. Just the tiniest turn of the knob can make a one degree difference. It is also good to keep it in a closet or other closed small space where the temperature outside of the incubator doesn't fluctuate much. Once you get that down and figure out how to manipulate the controls they are pretty good little incubators. I always take mine apart and wash good with antibacterial dish soap and hot water in the bathtub. Then I put the plug in the tub and let the bator sit in there with some hot water and bleach. I haven't had any trouble with it falling apart from the bleach or any smelliness etc. Rinse and dry well before putting it all back together. Also, if you add a hole in the side and use aquarium tubing you will be able to add water to the incubator with a huge syringe without having to open it when you are incubating/hatching.

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