What's the scoop on Duck POOP!?

I know from experience that neon lime green poop is serious. Again, as you said, not bright grassy or pea green but neon lime like:
When my birds are eating grass all day they poop dark green wet grass blobs I think it's the funniest looking stuff! It looks just like what they ate too! Yes poopology is quite interesting! I don't recommend saying that in public though! :lol: I thought this was interesting it's an old horse poop clump with grass seedlings all around it!
This us pry an old thread but I was worried about post#19 mentioning feeding baby ducks chicken food and hoped it wasn't medicated chick feed- I heard that was a big no no for duckies digestion like deadly even?
Long ago there were some medications that were a big problem for ducklings, but now - well, now there are a couple of different opinions. Some folks don't worry about the amprolium that is in chick feed, as it is said to be safe for ducklings.

But some folks just don't like the idea of giving ducklings medication when they don't need it.
Thanks balkbalkbalk for the concern. We were feeding them an amish blend of chick feed that our local mill sold, but we actually switched to flock raiser when I got concerned about the amount of niacin. They were probably getting enough, but this being my first experience with ducks, I am still trying to sort through all the information out there. We've moved them outside now, so they are eating flock raiser as well as grass and hopefully some bugs! I try not to use medicated chick feed to begin with, and our chicks have always been healthy. Glad to know I wasn't using anything medicated since it could have potentially caused problems.
What does the lime/mint green poop mean? I just saw it tonight in my ducks bedding, but I don't know which duck it was. Should I be worried??
What does the lime/mint green poop mean? I just saw it tonight in my ducks bedding, but I don't know which duck it was. Should I be worried??
When mine poop odd shades of green or yellow, and they are *not* acting 100% normal, it usually means that they have a bacterial infection. Please post a picture if you can.

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