What's The "Smartest" Thing You've Seen a Chicken Do?

Our yard is divided in 2, one yard for the dog and one for chickens. The chickens know that there is a do in the other yard. One day I opened the gate for them to go into the dog's yard and the chickens refused to go in. Then my DH walked out and put the dog in the car while the chickens watched. After he shut the car door the chickens all walked into the dog's yard.
Well today I caught one of my hens inside the doves' bird seed bag. The bag is 50# and inside a large garbage can. The can was open but the bag had the top of the bag folded down inside the barrel. How the stinker managed to get the top of the bag open enough for only her to get in there I have no idea.
I had a rooster that would let his hens lay eggs in the nest but would chase them off when they were done laying. He would not allow a hen to go broody ever. We figured it was because broody hens are not willing to couple. ahem. Smart roo.
Wow! I can also picture it! You should right some of your daily chicken stories in you own thread sometime! You have a really great way of writing it!
I have a handi-capped chicken in my bedroom. Somehow she trained me to carry her to her food and water and then back to her favorite corner just by peeping loud enough. That's a smart bird right there. She can get there by herself, but it is a lot of work. See! Now she has me making excuses for her too!
GardenGal & lvchicken:
thanks! I do love to write... I just need more "smart" chicken material...
most of my chicken stories are of the alternate variety... NOT so smart!
Like my little silver sebright rooster who wasn't smart enough to figure out that he weighed about a pound... and no matter HOW much he ran up and down along the inside of the coop fence he was *never* going to be big enough to kick my butt...
we named him Napoleon... we figured since he was smaller than all but one of the chickens (a tiny serama not much bigger than a dove) that he was probably overcompensating.
see, now that's a smart chicken.
I figure *all* my animals must be smarter than I am, since they can get me to go to work every day to provide feed for them with just a nicker, or a squawk or a liquid-eyed, hopeful look...
And the dumb ones are still as hilarious the brainy birds! When you make your thread, make sure to give me the link!!
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I'll tell ya what whoever said chickens were stupid birds was a total idiot, and not very perceptive, or just never watched chickens.
We changed the roof of our baby grow out pen yesterday, which is a 10x 10 dog kennel, to a nice new steal framed and re- enforced for our snowy winters with cover roof, well my 1 Delaware was watching watching, looking looking, then she proceeds to get on top the dog house to get a closer look, and you could just see her brain wheels working, saying I can get out there"s no more cover on the pen, which she proceeded to try to do.......... silly thing
Then after we got the new top on and my EE roo comes over seeing something different almost right away, he's doing the looky lou thing for like 10 minutes, chickens are much smarter than anyone has ever given them credit for.
Has anyone seen Jurasic park 3 I think where they get basically kidnapped back to one of the islands, well remember when the great anthropologist realizes the Velociraptors hunt in packs and set traps for unsuspecting people who stole there eggs............ well I don't think that is far from the truth after watching my little mini versions of Velociraptors here with my chickies.

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