What's this? Feeding eggs to your week old chicks? how?

You hard boil an egg and mash it up very fine, then just put it in a bowl or plate or offer it in your hand. They may balk at eating it at first, but once they get a good taste, they love it and will chase each other with pieces of egg in their mouths.
Sometimes I'll scramble eggs and mince them. It's easy to do in minutes in a greased bowl or plate in the microwave. I don't know who enjoys it more, the chicks grabbing, chirping & eating, or us watching their show.
I'm going to assume this is a good source of protien, and also a good source of grit if you pulverize the shells??!
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I've never did that til they were older but once I get some new chicks I will have to try it. How much do you feed say a batch of 25 chicks?
Eggshell is not the same as grit.

I suggest you limit the protien you feed them. Commercial feeds include all they need and anything more is OK until they are about 8 weeks. After that, excessive protien can cause joint problems like those experienced by heavy meat birds during their rapid growth. After 3 months of age, one egg per week per bird, spread out over the course of a week is OK.
Do I need to add some kind of "grit" to their food or is there something in the starter mix to take care of that? I got my starter from a friend and there is no literature as to whats in it??!!
Do not give them shells at all! They are too young for calcium. I feed chicks a little egg every few days, not every day, and not much. I dont feed grit myself when I do the soft eggs. And no other treats. I think you can feed chicks way too many treats, which messes with the protein and vitamin levels of the starter. They do well on starter alone.

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