whats this on my rooster?

TK Poultry

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Greencastle, Indiana
i was looking over my rooster today and was giving him a good check and noticed his little toe and the bottom of his foot are a pinky color (hes an ameraucana) and there is this purply line going up his leg! what is this should i be concerned?
same with mine. some of it goes away but some pink will still be between the toes. I always thought it was a rash.
My roo has it too. If you are talking about a reddish coloring of the scales. He is a young roo. This is his first spring( hopefully it will be Spring soon). He is a splash orp. Gloria Jean
That's a great way of putting it. All that testosterone running through one little body, bound to show up on the skin.
its a thin line going up his scales it looks like the scales have changed color not a rash. he is in a pen for show conditioning so i wouldnt think he would pick up much.
Check the other foot and leg. If they match, there's nothing to worry about. My little roo has this, too. I call them his racing stripes!

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