What's up with my silkies

When my chicks were little, i kept them in a very, very big fruit box (the box type that watermelons are in at the grocery stores). They were all scared of me and my hand. I found the best way to get them used to me was to sit in the box with them so they could check me out on their own terms...pretty soon they would be all over my lap staring up at me. At about 6 weeks i would do this but hold freeze dried crickets (sold at petsmart) in my hand. They soon made the connection of hand = treats (they over connected this and at 7 months, now expect treats every time i see them). i have no problem petting any of my chickens though the males think they are too cool for it now.

The way to a chickens heart is through it's stomach.

Hang in there, before you know it you will have a bunch of adorable fuzzy cuddle buddies.

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