What's Up With Ruby?

7 Biddies

10 Years
May 22, 2012
NE GA Mountains
My Coop
My Coop
Ruby is broody, sitting in the nest box. No problem there, really. She looks perfectly normal sitting in the nest, with her beautiful partridge feather pattern, but, her tummy is bald ... like plucked clean! There appear to be a couple of feathers left, but that's all. So, what's going on ... what's the deal with Ruby's tummy?
This is another sign of broodiness. Hens always pluck feathers from their breasts so their eggs are warmer and have access to her "humidity."
This is another sign of broodiness. Hens always pluck feathers from their breasts so their eggs are warmer and have access to her "humidity."

Ahhhhh. Got it!

Oh, she's broody alright...feather plucking is just part of the process. Here's a page with a wealth of info for you:


Only problem is, no roos so nuthin' to hatch!! How long will this last if nothing hatches??? And, how long till her feathers come back in??
Ahhhhh. Got it!

Only problem is, no roos so nuthin' to hatch!! How long will this last if nothing hatches??? And, how long till her feathers come back in??
Ah-HA!! No roo, no fertile eggs. Didn't catch that in your original post. So I take it you need to "break" her of her broodiness?
Getting the idea from the website you referred me to I put Ruby in a wire dog crate that I keep young chicks in until they're ready to go out in the coop. I placed it in a nice spot outdoors in the shade garden where all of her flock mates can stop by to visit. At night, I block the entrance to the nest boxes and let her outside in time to go to bed with the others. Seems to have taken 2 days to break her using this method. I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but she's been out in the yard with the others all morning, and has made no moves toward the nest box.

Thanks for the help!! Now, I have another use for the dog crate, making it more cost effective. Works for me!
Getting the idea from the website you referred me to I put Ruby in a wire dog crate that I keep young chicks in until they're ready to go out in the coop. I placed it in a nice spot outdoors in the shade garden where all of her flock mates can stop by to visit. At night, I block the entrance to the nest boxes and let her outside in time to go to bed with the others. Seems to have taken 2 days to break her using this method. I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but she's been out in the yard with the others all morning, and has made no moves toward the nest box.

Thanks for the help!! Now, I have another use for the dog crate, making it more cost effective. Works for me!
Great! Glad I could be of some assistance. Chickens...go figure...you never know what they're thinking!

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