What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

My username is ChickenLoveRI because I love my chickens and am from Rhode Island. My avatar is a picture of me and my favorite girl, (shhhh.. Don't tell the others.) Sarah. She is a black Australop. She is just the sweetest peach in the tree.
Tntchix suggested I stop here. So...

The word "Posoh" is an interchangeable greeting such as aloha or ciao, in the Menominee language. My husband is Menominee. My native blood comes from warmer climes, Natchez/Choctaw.

My avatar is in honor oh my horse, Orion's Star. She came as a rescue during a bad, black even, period in my life. My husband-who brought her to me-and I often wonder who saved who. I won't share publicly what was going on. But if you wish to know I will share via pm. It's nothing gruesome or the kind of thing that jumps in your head when people say dark times.
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