What's wrong with my Chick?


6 Years
Aug 19, 2013

He or she is Supposedly a Jersey Giant.
I have had at least 4 groups of up to 14 Chicks for the past 3 years.

I have had him or her for about 3weeks and it has 12 other deferent brothers and sisters.

But this guy is the only one that baffles me,
this Chick is doing something I have never seen before.

So yesterday he was fine, and this morning I went to feed and water the Chicks in my shop and this guys head was cocked to one side. I took him out and he was walking, eating his food and drinking his water, then he just stopped.....squatted down and twisted his head so the top if his head was flat on the floor. He closes one eye. And the other eye blinks really fast. Either that's where he will snap out of it and go back to normal, or he will tuck his whole head into his body and quickly back up and shake and twitch.

He does this about every 10min. But when he's not spazzing out, he is normal. Peeping walking around, eating and drinking. But his head never goes back to being completely straight, it's always off too one side but he can make it normal he just rarely does that :-/

Can anybody think of what's going on? Is he having seizures and why was he fine last night?


This is what he does right before he either goes back to normal, or he convulses.
oh poor baby, sounds like he is having seizures. Is it possible he hurt his head OR other chicks have pecked him in the head? He could have brain damage from that. The fact that he has seizures makes me think it is more involved than just wry neck.

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