What's wrong with my chicken?


14 Years
16 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Yukon, Oklahoma
She's getting around OK--but has a droopy bottom?

How long has she been like that? Sometimes the hens will run around like that if they need to drop an egg, but can't find a place they want to lay it.
Is she making all sorts of commotion and running around like she is looking for a place to hide?

She's been like that for 3 or 4 days. She can get up on the roost at night and I've seen her in the nests during the day. Is there something I can do for her? How do chickens act when they have a broken egg in them?
I have the girl a warm bottom bath this morning. Her bottom is soft..would it be soft if there's an egg stuck in there? I put her in a dog crate in a darker, warmer place and put ointment on her. She is eating, haven't seen her drink (but I don't think that's a problem). Is there anything else I can do for her? Thank you all for all your help.

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