What's. Wrong with my Cochin

Jul 20, 2020
I have a 3 month old Cochin pullet, this morning when I went out to check all the birds I seen that my Cochin pullet wasn't walking she was sitting on the ground eating grass. I watched her for a minute and realized she is walking on the back of her foot. So I do have some rocks that appeared over the years but that's little gravel so I have removed her from the flock and put her on some shavings to help with the litte now bleeding cuts. Can I help her or is she to far gone?
Her leg is incredibly shaky when I put her Down with the foot the right way and I have another younger Cochin that isn't seeming to want to walk at all. Please help my brother spent 8 hundred dollars on the pair she came out of .!?
It would be helpful if you could post a picture of your pullet, so that people can understand the situation more clearly.

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