What's wrong with my eggs???


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
Zone 8a
I posted this in another section, but want to put it here too, so that more people hopefully see it and can give me some insight.

My eggs are fertile. They all have the white bullseye of fertility on the yolk. LOL. And I've seen my rooster doing his business numerous times.

I gave away a bunch of free eggs so that other people could hatch some out and tell me what color the babies came out....but I'm getting emails that the eggs aren't growing :(

I put 3 eggs under my broody last Sunday and when I candled them last night (day 7) there was no sign of life.

I gave away the eggs in the first place because I don't have the incubator room to hatch any out right now....but I assumed that when they're fertile, they'll hatch??? But, because I wasn't sure of the color they'd be, I gave them away for free.

Can someone explain why my eggs are fertile, but not growing?
Did I do something wrong?

I collect my eggs pretty much moments after they're laid, so usually they're still warm in my hand when I grab them....I keep them room temperature and in an egg turner before shipping them as well.

I don't understand why they're all duds???
ANY insight would be greatly appreciated.
Are you sure that you are seeing the bullseye? Even non fertile eggs will evidence the white nucleus which can be mistaken for the 'bullseye'. If your birds are very heavily feathered, the rooster may not be making 'contact'. Sometimes with heavily feathered birds it is necessary to pluck or trim featherss away from the vent of both the hen and rooster to facilitate mating.
From what I can see in the picture some might be fertile.
What are you feedin, type and brand also anything else.

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They get fermented feed made with Purina pellets [layena] cracked corn and various oats.

They also get free range, all you can eat buffet during the day

And I give them black oil sunflower seeds as well as scratch grains for treats.
They are 75% English Orpingtons, and I also have 2 buff orpingtons and a cochin in there.

They eggs are

75% English roo over buff orpingtons

75% English roo over cochin

I have the alfalfa cubes to add to the mash, but since we've still got a full yard of green grass [we haven't really had much in the way of winter weather so far this season] I haven't added the alfalfa since they're still gorging themselves on pennywise and the winter grasses.
I just got 2 eggs from them today, What should I look for in a strong, fertile egg?

I guess I was naïve...I thought bullseye meant fertile. end of story. lol.

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