What's wrong with Wasabi?

She hasn't started laying yet, as it is implied from the thread... I looked, but it's unclear, so I need to ask if you started feeding layer before she actually laid her first egg.
We had 4 laying hens before we added more. We got them as chicks and kept them separately until they were 12 weeks. When we put them together, they all had Layer Feed since.
Last week I read about not feeding young pullets Layer Feed until after they reached 18 weeks because it will damages their kidneys. I was crying so hard.
I think this girl wants to lay her first egg and is having trouble. I agree early calcium is not good. However, if she were mine, I’d direct dose her with calcium citrate (pill for humans). Also, she may enjoy a heating pad set on low with a damp towel draped over it. Is she pumping her tail at all or puckering her vent?
She may be getting broody as she starts her laying cycle. I'd gently palpate her belly, be sure its soft and normal though. If she shows any signs of illness, you need a vet, either farm or avian.

As to her droppings, they become round balls when the hens are in laying mode. It looks normal to me but I'm no expert. Have you taken a sample to a vet? They can check for parasites, culture it for diseases even if they dont see chickens in their practice. Combs, wattles will get redder as well.
Last week I read about not feeding young pullets Layer Feed until after they reached 18 weeks because it will damages their kidneys. I was crying so hard.

Are the urates bright white and not turning yellow? If so, her kidneys may be fine. Make sure she is hydrated. Electrolytes might be good, too.

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