What's your favorite chicken breed and why?

I can't pick a favorite today *cough* the Japanese *cough*... so how about... Bantams! I love my jap, and cochins, and sebrights, and OEGBs. Cute, cuddly, and you can fit a dozen on a tea towel at snack time (well, if they'd all agree to do it at once). Who doesn't like pint-sized and fluffy?
*cough cough* ikr
They so sooooo cute! I've never had a Japanese, but they sure are beautiful!
Light Brahmas, they are so tame and peaceful and good layers
Black Australorps, good cold hardy breed and good layers
Buff Orpingtons, good girls, good brown eggs
I got two Speckled Sussex a few days ago, we'll see how they do later this year.
I also got two Easter Eggers, we'll see.
I had Auruaconas before and they were sweet girls too.

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