What's your favorite dark egg layer?


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
What's your favorite chicken out of these dark egg layers, based on how freindly they are, the darkness of the egg in hatchery quality birds, and the coloring of the chicken?

Partridge Pendesca
Silver Cuckoo Maran
Black Copper Maran
and Blue Splash Maran
I have Welsummers and Cuckoo Marans both breeds are from McMurray. Both lay deep copper eggs (not what I would call 'chocolate') Both are laid back and friendly. I think the Marans are a little more docile and quiet and they are a heavier bird and so dual purpose. I am not crazy over egg color. I just like a variety of color in my pens and in my egg carton. My customers love their rainbow filled egg cartons.
I also have EE's, and brown leghorns and jaerhons as well as several other breeds of brown layers.
I've got a wellie, and I love her to bits for a lot of reasons. I have no experience with any of the others, so my answer is ridiculously bias; welsumer.
We have Welsummers and Barnevelders (which weren't on your list). I like both, but the Barnies take a LONG time to mature.
I like the looks of both breeds. The Wellies look like a larger bodied Light Brown Leghorn. The Barnies have the unique double lacing. Their "friendliness" seems about the same, the Wellies maybe a little better - not flighty, but won't let you just pick them up, either.
Never had Penedesencas, but from what I've read they are very flighty. But, they are supposed to lay very dark eggs.
My Marans are extremely docile and friendly almost to the point of being a nuisance. When I'm in the coop I'm constantly tripping over them, they love to get in front of me STOP and then look up at me expecting a treat of course. When free ranging all the hens come a running when they see me but the Marans when they get close I have to stop or someone is going to end up on the ground. They basically run up and stop almost on my shoes. I have only three.
I have Black Copper Marans. Their eggs are very dark, they are also very docile. I never had any of the other breeds from your list so I can't compare. However, I've heard that the BCM's eggs are the darkest . when I am selling my eggs, I like to mix different colors in the carton, so I got some green, tan, white, and dark brown.
Wellsummers are my fav!!! We hatched some of our own welsummer eggs and they are turning out to be beautiful birds and great layers!! They seem more laid back and friendly too!

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